Join the Notre Dame family of faith! Hear God's Word with our Daily Gospel Reflection. Share a prayer card from campus. Request a prayer from the Grotto. Be moved by a story of faithfulness.

We invite you to listen to a new outreach of FaithND, an audio version of the Daily Gospel Reflection that includes the full gospel, reflection, and prayer for each day.

We also invite you to enjoy episodes from our tenth season of the Everyday Holiness podcast:

Explore the themes of motherhood with Jessica Mannen Kimmet, a musician and author, who has written a book with the intention of helping mothers who are experiencing similar crosses to ones she has carried.

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Listen to more FaithND podcast episodes here >>

Gospel Reflection

Ed Smith ’93
ND Parent

As we read this chapter of John’s Gospel, we find Jesus fervently praying, as he knowingly faces his imminent betrayal, denial, torture, and crucifixion within hours. To the very end, he is concerned about his followers and future followers. After praying for his own glorification and for his beloved disciples, Jesus intercedes for future believers. The Word Incarnate is interceding with the Father for his future church… you and me!

How many times have we tried on our own to understand the abstract, omniscient, and omnipotent being we know as God the Father? Our God is beyond all human understanding, which is why the Son shows us the way. Wow, what a gift in our lives!

Over two thousand years later, we have a Catholic church that is united in faith across nations of different languages and cultures. It is this community of faith that Jesus desired in his prayer. This unity is not superficial. It is deeply spiritual, relational, and experiential at its core. Together we come to know a living God through our shared experiences of faith in Jesus and his example.

That is what makes us different as Christians. Jesus showed us the way to live virtuously: do unto others, forgive each other’s trespasses, and love without conditions. Through his words and actions, he showed us the way to the Father.

God the Son has made known to us God the Father so that we may love and serve him by the way we live. He desires for us a unity and love similar to the unity and love between him and his heavenly father. The example has been set. It is our choice to emulate this example and achieve everlasting life.

Saint of the Day

St. Brendan, your faith led you to great adventures at the ends of the known world—pray for us!

View Mass Online

In partnership with Campus Ministry, we are pleased to share videos of Daily Masses in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Monday through Friday Masses will be streamed live at 11:30 a.m. Eastern. Each Sunday, Mass will be broadcast live on CatholicTV at 10 a.m. Eastern.