Daily Gospel Reflection
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July 31, 2023
Jesus proposed a parable to the crowds.
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed
that a person took and sowed in a field.
It is the smallest of all the seeds,
yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants.
It becomes a large bush,
and the birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.”
He spoke to them another parable.
“The Kingdom of heaven is like yeast
that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour
until the whole batch was leavened.”
All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables.
He spoke to them only in parables,
to fulfill what had been said through the prophet:
I will open my mouth in parables,
I will announce what has lain hidden from the foundation of the world.
Not all good journeys start off on a high note. My first Notre Dame football game was one of those times. My one vivid memory is standing on those narrow bleachers and feeling like a stranger invited to a large, close-knit family holiday.
Everyone else seemed to know the traditions and chants while I fumbled my way through the Victory March, the Irish Jig, and the countless cheers—that feeling of being an outsider to your own kingdom is discouraging.
Reading today’s gospel, I have a lot of sympathy for the people in the crowd listening to Jesus preach about the kingdom who asked themselves, “What are you talking about, Jesus? I want to follow you, but I’m feeling lost in all this.”
In contrast to most of Jesus’ parables, there is no clear question from the crowd or the disciples that initiates the parables we read today. Maybe that’s why it’s easy to get lost?
Looking for context, today’s two parables are part of seven total parables that comprise Matthew chapter 13. All seven are about the kingdom of heaven. It’s clear that Jesus is ultra-determined to reveal some mystery to us, even if it takes sharing the answer seven times, seven different ways.
So what is the pivotal question? I believe it encapsulates our shared desire for belonging, embodied in my first gameday experience. Jesus, will I join you in your kingdom? Is there room for me when I don’t feel like I belong?
Jesus tells us the seeds he sows on earth start small, but the kingdom of heaven, our true home, flourishes in time. Our home has been prepared from the foundation of the world. Though we may not know all the steps in the beginning, we can trust he uses our work today to lead us home.
Dear Lord, when time drags on and prayers go unanswered; when our hard work seems so futile; when we wonder what difference we’re making, remind us of the mustard seed. Though it appears so insignificant, so incapable of bringing forth life, we know it finds its purpose and serves magnificently. Bless us with great possibilities and increase our faith in your presence in all we do. Amen.