Daily Gospel Reflection
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June 13, 2023
Jesus said to his disciples:
“You are the salt of the earth.
But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?
It is no longer good for anything
but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
You are the light of the world.
A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.
Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket;
it is set on a lampstand,
where it gives light to all in the house.
Just so, your light must shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your heavenly Father.”
When a couple is newly engaged, there are all sorts of decisions they’re tasked with right away. I clearly remember people asking about our wedding date, where we would be getting married, and which venue we would use for the reception. The list can, at times, feel endless.
After we had made all those decisions and the day drew nearer, my brother-in-law asked my now-wife and me what readings we had chosen for the Mass. What gospel did we want to illustrate our goals for our marriage? What do we want our new lives together to be for? Nine years later, I still remember how different this decision felt compared to selecting a venue or a centerpiece.
While there are many great choices a couple could make (from the wedding at Cana to Jesus washing the disciples’ feet), we chose today’s gospel as a reminder of what we were called to do with our lives together.
Salt and light are not, in and of themselves, good. In fact, too much of either is a bad thing. Instead, their worth comes from their ability to highlight the good in other things. Salt accentuates the flavor of many of our favorite foods. But, if the food is overcome with salt, it loses its taste. Light illuminates the good in the world around us, allowing us to see what we cannot see on our own. But too much light blinds us.
As counter-cultural as it may be, our charge as Catholics is to live in such a way that our lives are not about ourselves. We must seek to pour out our love for others, aiming to bring out the best in those around us. Only through this authentic love can we be the light and salt that the world needs.
Dear Lord, we so much want to live in the light of your faithfulness. Help us never to become complacent in our journey with you. Guide us to be more giving—better listeners, slower to judge, and champions of others. Amen.
Saint of the Day

Though he died at the age of 36, Anthony of Padua stands as one of the Church’s greatest saints for his effectiveness in inspiring holiness in people.
When he was 25, the relics of Franciscan martyrs were brought to his town. They had just died in Morocco while trying to preach the Gospel there. Their stories inspired Anthony, and he decided to give everything to Christ. He joined the Franciscan order and soon received permission to travel to Morocco and to preach there just as the martyrs had. Just as soon as he arrived, however, he fell ill for several months and had to return to Europe.
The boat he was on was driven off course by a storm and he landed in Sicily. He made his way to Assisi, where a large meeting of Franciscans was convening—a gathering open to all members of the order. Francis himself was present, though he was not in charge. Anthony kept to himself, and after that meeting, he was assigned to a place of retreat. He spent his days in prayer and served other friars by washing dishes after meals.
One day, Dominicans and Franciscans gathered for a celebration and large meal. Through a misunderstanding, no one came prepared to give an address, and Anthony was asked to speak to everyone gathered and to share whatever the Holy Spirit inspired him to say. His address astonished the guests—he was eloquent and zealous, and the substance of his remarks was deep and thought-provoking.
He was immediately assigned to preach throughout the region, and converted many people, especially those who held distorted beliefs. He was very persuasive, had a passion for people, and possessed a resonant voice that carried well and was easy to listen to. He was short and round and had an attractive personality. He was given the gift of miracles, which accompanied the words he spoke. It was said that he seemed to radiate holiness.
Crowds gathered to hear him preach and even hardened sinners were converted and moved to change their lives. People camped out in churches overnight to save seats to hear him speak. Shops were closed when he came to town. Often, churches were too small for the crowds and he addressed people in town squares or marketplaces.
He settled in Padua, a town he loved and that had benefited most from his preaching. People there took his words to heart—feuds between families were reconciled, and those who were unjustly imprisoned were released.
St. Anthony is known as the “Wonder-Worker” and is patron saint for the recovery of lost items. Once, a young man who was learning the life of the Franciscans had decided to run away from the monastery. He stole Anthony’s book of psalms on the way out, knowing that he could sell it and receive a large sum of money. The book contained Anthony’s notes for his preaching, so the saint prayed for its return and for the conversion of the young man. The young man had a change of heart and came back to the monastery, where he returned Anthony’s book and continued his formation as a Franciscan.
It is possible that Anthony had a photographic memory—throughout his life, he had an extraordinary recall of the words of Scripture. The pope called him “the Ark of the Testament” because he knew the Bible inside and out.
In 1231, Anthony became ill and died suddenly. He was almost immediately canonized and has been declared a doctor of the Church.
Anthony is pictured in the stained glass window above from the library of Moreau seminary. The windows of the library were created by Rev. Anthony Lauck, C.S.C., who included an image of his patron saint. The book he holds reads “1958 Antonio me fecit,” which gives the date of construction and means “Anthony made me.” St. Anthony’s relics rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica.
The Basilica also holds another remembrance of St. Anthony. The largest and loudest bell rung in the Basilica’s steeple is named after the saint—it stands more than seven feet high and weighs more than 8 tons. Make a virtual visit to the Baslica's belltower in this video.
St. Anthony of Padua, the “Wonder Worker” and patron saint for the recovery of lost items, pray for us!