Friday of the First Week of Lent

Episode 10


Paolo Veronese (Italian, 1528-1588), Transfiguration of Christ. Public domain.


In this Gospel, the disciples see Jesus transfigured before them, standing with Moses and Elijah, “then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them.”

Paolo Veronese painted this scene as a fresco decorating a wall in a cathedral in northern Italy. We can see the cloud coming over the disciples, casting a shadow over them, and the obstruction seems to cause them distress—they appear confused and overwhelmed.

To live with faith is to let invisible realities shape our lives—to be guided by hope and love. Sometimes these realities shine brightly, but they don’t stay that way. More often, we live on the earthly side below the cloud. God’s designs are far above ours and usually hidden. How do we cling to the promise of this glory when we can’t see it clearly?