Send a Prayer Card

1. Review Your Prayer:

Meal Blessing for the Easter Season

Lord Jesus,
we celebrate your Resurrection
and we rejoice in your love.
You are with us now as we share this meal
offering us forgiveness, peace, and new life.
Help us to recognize you in the breaking of this bread
and strengthen us to share
the good news of your rising with others.

Leader: Jesus Christ is risen today.
All: Alleluia
Leader: We rejoice and are glad.
All: Alleluia

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3. Preview Your Prayer Card:
Meal Blessing for the Easter Season

Meal Blessing for the Easter Season

Lord Jesus,
we celebrate your Resurrection
and we rejoice in your love.
You are with us now as we share this meal
offering us forgiveness, peace, and new life.
Help us to recognize you in the breaking of this bread
and strengthen us to share
the good news of your rising with others.

Leader: Jesus Christ is risen today.
All: Alleluia
Leader: We rejoice and are glad.
All: Alleluia

Prayer by: Robert M. Hamma, M.A., 1983 Excerpted from Bless Us, O Lord: A Family Treasury of Mealtime Prayers. Used by permission.
Photo by: ND Photos
4. Finalize and Share Your Prayer Card:
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