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1. Review Your Prayer:

Notre Dame Prayer for Life

Eternal God, source of all life, you have created us in your own divine image. By the power of the Holy Spirit, your Son became flesh and revealed to us the sanctity of all human life.
Grant, we implore you:
Protect all unborn children;
Guide and support all expectant parents;
Comfort the aged, the sick, and the dying;
Strengthen prisoners, especially those awaiting execution, and their victims;
And bring peace to our world, torn apart by war, terrorism, and countless other acts of violence against life.
May our Notre Dame community bear witness to a seamless culture of life and so value the dignity and worth of every human being, from conception until natural death.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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3. Preview Your Prayer Card:

Notre Dame Prayer for Life

Eternal God, source of all life, you have created us in your own divine image. By the power of the Holy Spirit, your Son became flesh and revealed to us the sanctity of all human life.
Grant, we implore you:
Protect all unborn children;
Guide and support all expectant parents;
Comfort the aged, the sick, and the dying;
Strengthen prisoners, especially those awaiting execution, and their victims;
And bring peace to our world, torn apart by war, terrorism, and countless other acts of violence against life.
May our Notre Dame community bear witness to a seamless culture of life and so value the dignity and worth of every human being, from conception until natural death.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer by: Campus Ministry/Notre Dame Right to Life
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