Send a Prayer Card
1. Review Your Prayer:
Prayer to St. André Bessette, C.S.C.
Lord, our God, friend of the lowly, you gave your servant, Saint André Bessette, a great devotion to St. Joseph and a special commitment to the poor and afflicted.
Through his intercession help us to follow his example of prayer and love and so come to share with him in your glory.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
St. André Bessette, Pray for us.
3. Preview Your Prayer Card:

Prayer to St. André Bessette, C.S.C.
Lord, our God, friend of the lowly, you gave your servant, Saint André Bessette, a great devotion to St. Joseph and a special commitment to the poor and afflicted.
Through his intercession help us to follow his example of prayer and love and so come to share with him in your glory.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
St. André Bessette, Pray for us.
Prayer by: Congregation of the Holy CrossPhoto by: Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame