Explore the Saints
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Today is the feast of Christmas, when we recall the birth of Jesus Christ, who saves us all from death and brings us into the divine life of the Trinity. In Jesus, light has come into the world, and captive humanity, slave to sin, has been set free.
Nativity scenes abound on campus at this time of year. Today’s featured image is of a stained glass window from the Basilica, which shows the birth of Jesus. Relics of the nativity, including pieces from Jesus’ manger, rest in the reliquary chapel there. A life-sized nativity scene stands in the Grotto.
The Church understands four reasons why Jesus was born and became a man:
1. Jesus’ birth saves us by reconciling us to God. Human nature is fallen, and Jesus came to heal it and give us goodness and life. We are captive by sin, we live in darkness. Jesus sets us free and gives light to our lives.
2. Jesus’ birth reveals to us God’s love. God, the transcendent spirit and creator of the world, wanted to be united with us and joined our human condition in Jesus.
3. Jesus’ birth and life among us give us a model of holiness. Jesus lived a life of self-emptying love of God and neighbor, which shows us how to die to ourselves and live new lives of love for God and each other.
4. Jesus’ birth allows us to participate in God’s divine life. We are unable to attain a life of divine holiness on our own. In communion with Jesus, who is also human, we can become sons and daughters of God.
This feast is much more than a simple birthday party for Jesus. While we recall the birth of Jesus today, that one-time event that happened more than 2,000 years ago in a distant land is the best example of how God works in our lives every day. Jesus is the extension of God’s invitation to join our lives. Jesus is the proof of God’s love for each of us—God’s interest in participating in every aspect of our lives.
On today’s Nativity, let us respond to God’s love by welcoming Jesus into our lives and living as sons and daughters of God.
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