Tuesday of the First Week of Lent

Episode 7


Michael Angelo Immenraet (Flemish, 1621-1683), Transfiguration of Christ. Public domain.


When Jesus was transfigured, he appeared with two others—the Gospel tells us “Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus.” Elijah the prophet and Moses the giver of the law embodied the whole of the Jewish faith, and their position here clearly points to Jesus’ radiant divinity.

In this painting, Moses is in shadow, holding the tablets of the 10 Commandments, and Elijah is holding a burning staff. The disciples are below, and above them all stands Jesus. All of the figures in the painting, including us, look up to Jesus, but he looks beyond—as though he can see a heavenly vision. The transfiguration reveals to us our path to heaven, and it is lined with those who went before us.

Who has gone before us in our journey to eternal life? How do their lives reveal an ascent toward goodness and holiness?