Daily Gospel Reflection
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August 11, 2023
Jesus said to his disciples,
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,
take up his cross, and follow me.
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world
and forfeit his life?
Or what can one give in exchange for his life?
For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory,
and then he will repay each according to his conduct.
Amen, I say to you, there are some standing here
who will not taste death
until they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.”
“And then he will repay each according to his conduct.” That feels like a foreboding bit of instruction at first, but can we slow down enough with today’s gospel to see Christ’s words as an invitation? Coincident with being offered the opportunity to write this reflection, I began reading The Happiest Man On Earth: The Beautiful Life of an Auschwitz Survivor by Eddie Jaku.
It feels strange to read the words happiest and Auschwitz in the same title. Is it an oxymoron or a most beautiful illustration of today’s gospel passage? Eddie, as he invites us readers to call him, also invites us to be his friend as he explains his life’s journey. Because he believes so passionately in the power of hope he, at almost one hundred years young, chose to share his story with us.
Eddie heroically picked up his cross and bore it in spite of atrocities imposed upon him. During and immediately following the war, he chose to respond to the world in love, first found in friendship and then in family.
Few of us will be called to carry the cross of such severe physical persecution and the horror of concentration camps, but we are all challenged daily by the temptation to despair of our crosses and distance ourselves from carrying them, indulging in anger and self-pity. I pray Eddie’s invitation for hope will be graciously accepted by each of us today. And, I am confident Eddie will be repaid according to his conduct as promised in this gospel.
God of all wisdom and grace, you call us to proclaim the truth of our faith wherever your Spirit leads us. Give us courage and determination to follow your Son, even to the cross. May our lives reflect your radiance as you lead us into your promise of everlasting life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saint of the Day

St. Clare was the most fervent follower of the great reformer, St. Francis of Assisi. She used this great zeal to establish the Franciscan Second Order religious community for women—the Poor Clares, who carry her name in honor of their foundress.
She was born in 1193 in Assisi. Clare came from a noble family—she was well-spoken and graceful. When she was 18 years old, Francis came to her church to preach during Lent. His words kindled a fire in her to follow his example of radical faithfulness to the Gospel.
She sought him out secretly for direction, and he encouraged her desire to leave all things for Christ. On Palm Sunday in 1212, she ran away from home and joined the small band of men who were gathering around St. Francis. They welcomed her at the door to their chapel, where St. Francis gave her a rough tunic made of sackcloth and cut off her hair as a sign of renunciation of the world.
Francis placed Clare with a nearby community of Benedictine sisters. When her family learned of her decision, they came to retrieve her. She stood steadfast and went to the chapel altar and grabbed hold of it. The story goes that they tried to physically remove her, but she clung so fast that they only succeeded in pulling off her clothes.
When her sister, Agnes, joined her, Francis placed the siblings in a small shelter next to the church where he was living, and appointed Clare the superior. Others came to share in their life, including Clare’s mother eventually, and Clare established monasteries for the growing community throughout Italy and Germany. They are known today as the Poor Clares.
Clare adopted Francis’ love of poverty and humility, and her community followed her example. They wore nothing on their feet, slept on the ground, fasted from meat, and observed the discipline of silence as much as possible.
Clare was known to go even further in her mortifications—she wore a hairshirt and intensified her fasting by eating only bread and water during Lent, and some days ate nothing at all. Over time, with encouragement from Francis, she learned discretion and balance in her disciplines, and urged the same of those who followed her.
Clare led her community for 40 years as the superior, but she sought the most menial tasks. When her sisters returned from begging for sustenance, she washed and kissed their feet. She served at table during meals, and helped the sick. She stayed up late in prayer, and when others had gone to sleep, she would check on them and tuck them in if their blankets had come loose.
People noticed extraordinary holiness in Clare—they saw her face shining brightly after she had spent time in prayer. Her intercession is credited with saving Assisi during several military campaigns.
She spent the last 27 years of her life suffering from illness, and when she was frequently confined to bed, she would sew fine linens for altars in the churches of Assisi. She had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
Her illness took a life-threatening turn in 1253. When it was clear that she would not recover, her community gathered around her, weeping. She told them, “Go forth without fear, for God who created you has sanctified you, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Blessed be you, O God, for having created me.”
She died on this date, and her relics rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica, where she is also depicted in stained glass. The chapel in Pasquerilla West is named after her, and her image appears there as well.
St. Clare, you followed St. Francis’ radical faithfulness to the Gospel and led other women to do the same—pray for us!