Daily Gospel Reflection
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October 7, 2023
The seventy-two disciples returned rejoicing and said to Jesus,
“Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.”
Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky.
Behold, I have given you the power
‘to tread upon serpents’ and scorpions
and upon the full force of the enemy
and nothing will harm you.
Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you,
but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”
At that very moment he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said,
“I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for although you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to the childlike.
Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.
All things have been handed over to me by my Father.
No one knows who the Son is except the Father,
and who the Father is except the Son
and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”
Turning to the disciples in private he said,
“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.
For I say to you,
many prophets and kings desired to see what you see,
but did not see it,
and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.”
Today is the 63rd anniversary of the consecration of Archbishop Theotonius Ganguly, C.S.C., as Bishop. He was the first native Bengali priest to be named Bishop in Bengal in 1960. On the day of his consecration, the then Archbishop Lawrence Graner, C.S.C., introduced Archbishop Ganguly to the vast crowd present for the episcopal ceremony as a “Day Star,” signifying that the first Bishop of Bengal not only shines as a star in the darkness but he shines more as star during the day.
In today’s gospel, Jesus says: “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.” Yes, we are blessed because we see today Archbishop Ganguly as a precious gift from God, a holy person to us, as a Servant of God now in the process of his canonization.
Archbishop Ganguly, right after his ordination to the priesthood on June 5, 1946, always felt an inner urge to help the people who are in need, to go to the people living far away in the periphery, traveling on foot or cycle, or taking any means of transports like rickshaws, trains, or pulling carts.
Once, he was going by train, and there was no way to enter the train because of the crowd and the train was moving away. He immediately jumped and stood on the joints of the two wagons of the train, traveling with his cassock on.
Even at the time of his life on earth, he was popularly considered “a living saint” because of his kindness and gentleness, humility and meekness, simplicity, charitable and gentle behavior towards all.
Archbishop Ganguly has been given to us so that the church becomes holy by following his example. So many follow and imitate Archbishop Ganguly, pray, and receive God’s favors through his intercessions. His sainthood is like a hidden treasure that needs to be uncovered, exposed, and lifted high for the good of the church.
Heavenly Father, Rejoicing in the Spirit and untied with Jesus in the gospel today, we “give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned, you have revealed them to the childlike.” Lord, for the glory of your Holy Name and good of the church, make your servant, Archbishop Ganguly, Blessed; increase our love for him; and let his life inspire us to follow his examples. Amen.