Easter Tuesday

Edward Burne-Jones (British, 1833-1898), The Morning of the Resurrection. Public domain.
Mary Magdalene stood outside of the tomb, weeping. When she went in, she met two angels in white. They asked her why she is crying and she said, “They have taken my Lord.” Then she turned around and saw Jesus, but did not recognize him until he called her name: “Mary.”
This image captures this moment of encounter. Mary still holds on to the tomb, but Jesus invites her to let go and approach him. We can read in her face fear, wonder, and curiosity. It is just beginning to dawn on her that the impossible has happened, and she’s struggling to trust who she sees before her.
Jesus calls us just as he called Mary. He wants us to let go of the tombs in our lives, to leave behind that which holds death for us and turn towards him and the new life he brings. Will we recognize him when he calls our name?