Monday in the Octave of Easter

Episode 21

The Vocare Ensemble, Notre Dame-Newman Centre Dublin – The Vocare Ensemble consists of musicians and choristers at Newman’s University Church on St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin, Ireland. The University stewards Newman University Church and has now founded the Notre Dame – Newman Centre for Faith and Reason.

The Octave of Easter is a joy filled, eight-day festal period from Easter Sunday to the Second Sunday of Easter, also called “Divine Mercy Sunday.” FaithND continues its Songs of Notre Dame offerings through this week as a culmination of our shared journey through Lent and into the Paschal joy of Easter. In today’s song, we lift our voices to join the choirs of heaven as we exalt the mystery of our salvation which has been accomplished by Christ’s cross and resurrection. On this Easter Monday, even though we may be far apart, we pray that this “Paschal dawn” will “forge our souls in one great song!”

“Exult, ye heav’ns and lift up your voice! Let hearts be glad; let earth rejoice!

Blest fire of love, O Paschal dawn, forging our souls in one great song!
Flame that ignites our longing heart, blazing within, rekindled.

O wonder of your humble love: God gave to death his only Son.
Gave him in humble charity, breaking the bonds of hatred.

So washed by beams of Easter light, sin and injustice take to flight.
That radiant morn when light was unleashed, clothing us with your glory.

O Morning Star that never fades, Christ our Redeemer sent to save.
Triumphing over death’s domain, shedding his light upon us! “

“Exult, Ye Heavens” by Steven C. Warner Copyright © 2020, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

For more songs, please visit Songs of Notre Dame: A Lenten Offering