Palm Sunday

Episode 40


Mihály Munkácsy (Hungarian, 1844-1900), Ecce Homo! Public domain. View full-sized image here.


The crowds gathered around Pontius Pilate, who had Jesus scourged. He said to the crowds, “What do you want me to do with the man you call the king of the Jews?” They shouted, “Crucify him!”

The crowds that had welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem just a short time ago are now angrily demanding his crucifixion. They placed palms beneath his feet, and now he holds a flimsy reed as a scepter. They acclaimed him as royalty, and now he stands before them, beaten and mocked, crowned with thorns.

Fear has taken hold of the crowd, and we can see it in the faces of the soldiers who are tensely keeping guard. In the bottom left corner of the image, Jesus’ mother, Mary, swoons to see her Son subjected to such scorn.

Where do we place ourselves in this image?

Who among us today is treated with fearful scorn? How might we help restore their dignity?