Send a Prayer Card

1. Review Your Prayer:

Prayer for First Communion

Loving Lord, through your sacrifice you have offered us this sacrament of your body and blood. Graciously nourish your children on their journey of discipleship. May they often partake in this sacred meal, giving thanks for your self-gift on the cross.

As Eucharistic people, send them forth to feed the hungry and to give drink to those who thirst. May they be leaven in the world, transforming it through kindness and love.

We ask this through the power of the Holy Spirit.


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3. Preview Your Prayer Card:
Prayer for a Spiritual Communion

Prayer for First Communion

Loving Lord, through your sacrifice you have offered us this sacrament of your body and blood. Graciously nourish your children on their journey of discipleship. May they often partake in this sacred meal, giving thanks for your self-gift on the cross.

As Eucharistic people, send them forth to feed the hungry and to give drink to those who thirst. May they be leaven in the world, transforming it through kindness and love.

We ask this through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Photo by: Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame
4. Finalize and Share Your Prayer Card:
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