Send a Prayer Card
1. Review Your Prayer:
Prayer for Graduating Students
God, source of all life,
you are our beginning and end.
Bless our graduates as they celebrate the past and welcome the future. Guide them with hope as they embark upon paths known and unknown, comfortable and challenging.
May they stay true to your voice, which they find in their heart’s desire. May they always walk in your presence, and may their knowledge and talents be a powerful means for good in the world. As they take their leave from this state in their lives, grant them the wisdom of your self-emptying love.
3. Preview Your Prayer Card:

Prayer for Graduating Students
God, source of all life,
you are our beginning and end.
Bless our graduates as they celebrate the past and welcome the future. Guide them with hope as they embark upon paths known and unknown, comfortable and challenging.
May they stay true to your voice, which they find in their heart’s desire. May they always walk in your presence, and may their knowledge and talents be a powerful means for good in the world. As they take their leave from this state in their lives, grant them the wisdom of your self-emptying love.
Photo by: Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame