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1. Review Your Prayer:

Prayer for Mothers

God of all creation, in your goodness you have given us life. Like a mother who labors, you bear the pain of our sin to welcome your children into new life in your mercy.

Bless mothers of all generations for their countless sacrifices and self-emptying love. May they savor the fulfillment that comes from giving life and love to their children, and to all who seek their care, for it is a participation in your abundant love.

Sustain them in compassion, and entrust them with the power of your love that bears the fullness of life. Amen.

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3. Preview Your Prayer Card:
Prayer for Mothers

Prayer for Mothers

God of all creation, in your goodness you have given us life. Like a mother who labors, you bear the pain of our sin to welcome your children into new life in your mercy.

Bless mothers of all generations for their countless sacrifices and self-emptying love. May they savor the fulfillment that comes from giving life and love to their children, and to all who seek their care, for it is a participation in your abundant love.

Sustain them in compassion, and entrust them with the power of your love that bears the fullness of life. Amen.

Photo by: Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame
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