Send a Prayer Card

1. Review Your Prayer:

Prayer for Mothers

O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, we praise you for the gift of motherhood. We offer to you the joys and sorrows, prayers and works of each day we labor in this vocation to which you have called us. Grant us the grace to see Christ in our children and the knowledge that we are called to go out of our way for others—for those we have chosen, and those chosen for us. May Mary, Mother of the Church, teach us to be holy and may she show us the way to your Sacred Heart. Amen.

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3. Preview Your Prayer Card:
Prayer for Mothers

Prayer for Mothers

O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, we praise you for the gift of motherhood. We offer to you the joys and sorrows, prayers and works of each day we labor in this vocation to which you have called us. Grant us the grace to see Christ in our children and the knowledge that we are called to go out of our way for others—for those we have chosen, and those chosen for us. May Mary, Mother of the Church, teach us to be holy and may she show us the way to your Sacred Heart. Amen.

Prayer by: André (Duplechain) Polaniecki ‘03
Photo by: Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame
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