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1. Review Your Prayer:

Prayer for the Irish

St. Patrick, apostle to Ireland, in prayer you heard a call to return to the land of your captivity to share good news. You loved and taught the Irish people, and they turned to the source of your goodness, Jesus Christ. Because of your faithful leadership, Ireland became known as “the land of saints.”

We are grateful for our Irish heritage, especially on this, your feast day, because it reminds us that we are part of a great family of faith that includes multitudes of saints and scholars. Pray for us, that we may live in a way that is worthy of this tradition of faith. Amen.

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3. Preview Your Prayer Card:
Prayer for the Irish

Prayer for the Irish

St. Patrick, apostle to Ireland, in prayer you heard a call to return to the land of your captivity to share good news. You loved and taught the Irish people, and they turned to the source of your goodness, Jesus Christ. Because of your faithful leadership, Ireland became known as “the land of saints.”

We are grateful for our Irish heritage, especially on this, your feast day, because it reminds us that we are part of a great family of faith that includes multitudes of saints and scholars. Pray for us, that we may live in a way that is worthy of this tradition of faith. Amen.

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