Prayers for Mothers
Loving creator, you called upon your servant Mary to bring your Son into the world. We give thanks for her, and for all mothers who bear witness to your love. Their generosity and strength have blessed generations. Please bless our mothers. Ease their worry for the families you entrust to them, guide them in times of doubt, and hold them close when they are overwhelmed by both joy and sorrow. May they know our deep gratitude for giving us life and love. In union with Mary, we ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen.
God of all creation, in your goodness you have given us life. Like a mother who labors, you bear the pain of our sin to welcome your children into new life in your mercy. Bless mothers of all generations for their countless sacrifices and self-emptying love. May they savor the fulfillment that comes from giving life and love to their children, and to all who seek their care, for it is a participation in your abundant love. Sustain them in compassion, and entrust them with the power of your love that bears the fullness of life. Amen.
O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, we praise you for the gift of motherhood. We offer to you the joys and sorrows, prayers and works of each day we labor in this vocation to which you have called us. Grant us the grace to see Christ in our children and the knowledge that we are called to go out of our way for others—for those we have chosen, and those chosen for us. May Mary, Mother of the Church, teach us to be holy and may she show us the way to your Sacred Heart. Amen.
Good and gracious God, we thank you for the gift of motherhood and the joys and blessings it has brought to our lives. It is such a privilege to love and support our children as they grow into the people you have called them to be. In nurturing young life, we ourselves have grown in wisdom. We ask for strength and guidance for those times when being a mother is not easy. Let us be always be mindful of you as the ultimate source of creative and unconditional love. Amen.
God of tenderness, we honor all women who cooperate with you in bringing life to the world, and we remember especially those mothers who have passed from this life and now rest in eternal life with you. We offer gratitude for the gift of their lives and for the ways they blessed their children with life and love. Trusting in your deep love and providential care, we ask you to bring comfort and peace to all children, young or old, who mourn the loss of a mother. May your own mother, Mary, watch over these children and guide them with her tender care. Amen.
Celebration of Mothers: The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. –Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C.