Explore the Saints

Sts. Anne and Joachim

Sts. Anne and Joachim were the parents of Mary and are patron saints of grandparents.

We do not know much about Joachim and Anne—even their names have been handed on to us by tradition. The stories that have come down to us tell that they were likely well-off, and had been childless for most of their marriage. An angel appeared to them both to announce a birth in their old age, and Anne promised to dedicate the child to the service of God. Mary was their only child, and they presented her at the Temple when she was 3 years old, prefiguring the presentation of Jesus.

Though we know little about these people, the Church holds the parents of Mary in great esteem because they were the ones who taught her the faithfulness that she demonstrated in accepting God’s invitation to bear Jesus to the world.

Anne and Joachim are depicted in the Basilica in several places, including many wall murals that depict the life of Mary. They are shown here in this stained glass window from the Basilica, and their relics rest in the reliquary chapel there—including a piece from their house where they raised Mary.

Visit the church built over their home in Jerusalem, and join ND pilgrims in singing the alma mater there, through FaithND’s virtual Holy Land pilgrimage.

Sts. Anne and Joachim, patron saints of grandparents—pray for us!