Explore the Saints

Blessed Gaetana Sterni

Blessed Gaetana Sterni was an Italian woman who lost nearly everyone she loved, yet she clung to her faith in God, and went on to dedicate her life to serving the homeless.

She was born in 1827 in Italy, one of six children. When she was a child, both her oldest sister and her father died in a short period of time. Then her brother left the family to pursue acting, which left the family poor.

Gaetana stood next to her mother during these difficult times, and took on extra responsibilities to help what was left of the family. Her mother was faithful, and Gaetana grew up with a strong faith that was complemented by solid religious education.

Just before she turned 16, Gaetana married a young businessman, whose previous wife had died, leaving him with three children. After only eight months of marriage, and in the middle of her first pregnancy, her husband died suddenly. When she delivered her baby, the child died after only a few days of life. She thought she would die of a broken heart, yet her grief was buoyed by a firm faith in God’s loving care.

She struggled for a few years to take care of her husband’s children, and she had significant disagreements with her in-laws, who resented the strong connection she had formed with the children. When she was 19 years old, she returned home to live with her mother, and her husband’s family took care of his children.

Even though she argued with her husband’s family, she loved his children, and advocated for their rights. Her patience and generosity eventually brought about a reconciliation with the family.

Gaetana wondered how her life would take shape, and considered marrying again. Through all of the grief and loss, she never lost a regular practice of prayer, and she began to feel a call to dedicate her life to God in a singular way. She joined a religious community of sisters, but when her mother died five months later, she had to depart in order to care for her remaining siblings.

Finally, when she turned 26 years old, Gaetana was free from family responsibilities and sought to give her life to God. She took on a role leading a homeless shelter in the city, which sheltered 115 people. This effort gathered other women, and she eventually shaped the community into a religious order—the Daughters of the Divine Will—which today has houses in Europe, Africa, and the United States.

Gaetana died in 1875 and was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2001.

Blessed Gaetana Sterni, you clung to your faith through devastating loss and gave your life to serving the poor, pray for us!

Image Credit: Our featured image of Bl. Gaetana Sterni is used with permission from Catholic Online. Last accessed October 18, 2024.