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Blessed James Duckett
James Duckett is patron saint of booksellers and publishers because he was martyred in 1601 for spreading Catholic books throughout England while the monarchy was suppressing the faith.
He was a devout Protestant apprenticed to a book printer in London, where he found a book about the foundations of the Catholic tradition. The book convinced him to become Catholic and he was thrown into prison, but released when his book printing master paid his bond. When he persisted in his Catholic faith, he kept landing in jail. Finally, his master finally broke ties with him. In one of his stays in prison, he was formally instructed in the Catholic faith by an old priest who was also incarcerated.
When James was released from prison, he married a Catholic widow and they had a son together, who went on to lead an important monastery. As a bookseller, he continued to offer books on the Catholic faith to anyone he could find, and continued to be arrested. In fact, of the 12 years he was married, he spent nine in prison.
Peter Bullocks, a former fellow employee of James’, had landed on death row. Hoping to save his own life, Peter betrayed James by accusing him of publishing a treasonous text. James denied the charge, but acknowledged that he had many other Catholic books. When a jury condemned James to death, he said, “I take it for a great favor from Almighty God that I am placed among the thieves, as he himself, my Lord and master, was.”
James bore no ill-will towards Peter, who was not granted a stay of execution for his betrayal. In fact, the two were to be executed together—they were carried in the same cart to the place of their hanging. James assured Peter of his forgiveness and kissed him as they both stood on the platform awaiting their death.
Blessed James Duckett, you were the convert who was martyred for your faith, and patron saint of publishers—pray for us!
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