Explore the Saints
Pope St. Agatho
St. Agatho was born in Sicily, Italy, sometime around the turn of the sixth century and spent most of his life as a married businessman. In his later years, he felt God calling him to become a monk, and with his wife’s blessing, he left the business world to become one.
Because of his business acumen, he was given responsibility for the treasury of the Church in Rome. He was later elected pope in 678. He only served as pope for three years, but accomplished several important things during that time. He resolved a dispute between clerics in England and convened an ecumenical council to articulate the nature of Jesus’ will, which was in dispute and the cause of several schisms. The council reunited the eastern Church in Constantinople with the Church in Rome—the representatives recognized that “Peter spoke by Agatho.”
St. Agatho was known as a kind and sweet man—his relics rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica. He lived in difficult times, as barbarian invasions constantly interrupted life. Many people did not have the luxury of a refined education, such as he had, because they spent their time fighting or working to provide food and shelter. “But we preserve,” he said, “the faith that has been handed down to us.”
Pope St. Agatho, you left your life as a married businessman to lead the Church and heal divisions, pray for us!
Image Credit: Our featured image of St. Agatho is in the public domain. Last accessed November 14, 2024 on Wikimedia Commons.