Explore the Saints

St. Andrew

Andrew stands out from the other disciples because he was the first to respond to the invitation to follow Christ. He is known in the Greek Church as the Protoclete—”first called.”

Like his brother, Simon Peter, Andrew was born in Galilee, traditionally thought to be Bethsaida, and grew up near the lake of Genesareth to become a fisherman. He became a follower of John the Baptist until, one day, John pointed to Jesus and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” (John 1:35-51).

In a homily on this passage in the Gospel of John, St. John Chrysostom writes:

“Andrew’s words reveal a soul waiting with the utmost longing for the coming of the Messiah, looking forward to his appearing from heaven, rejoicing when he does appear, and hastening to announce so great an event to others. To support one another in the things of the spirit is the true sign of good will between brothers, of loving kinship and sincere affection.”

Andrew not only saw the Light of the World when John the Baptist pointed him out but carried that light clearly and brightly to his brother, Peter.

Andrew and Simon remained fishermen for a time until Jesus called them away and promised to make them fishers of people. Tradition holds that Andrew traveled to Greece to spread the good news after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.

It is claimed that he was martyred by being tied (not nailed) to a cross in the shape of an “X,” and that he lived for two days on the cross and continued to preach to those gathered around him, but this is unlikely as the X-shaped cross was not known before the 14th century. Nevertheless, Andrew is most often depicted holding a cross of this shape.

St. Andrews is the patron saint of Greece and Russia, where it is claimed he traveled to preach. He is also a patron of Scotland, though he did not visit there—that designation comes from another saint who protected his relics.

St. Regulus, a native of Greece, was designated to protect St. Andrew’s relics in the fourth century. It is told that he was warned in a dream by an angel to take part of those relics and start to journey northwest, “towards the end of the earth.” He received a sign to stop at the place now known as St. Andrews, Scotland, where Regulus built a church to hold them. Regulus was named bishop and taught the faith to the Scots for 30 years.

Relics of St. Andrew also rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica. He is depicted in several places on campus, including in a statue above the door to Morrissey Manor (shown here in this biography). The chapel in the residence of Holy Cross priests on campus, Corby Hall, is named after St. Andrew.

St. Andrew, who was first to follow Jesus and to lead others to Christ—pray for us!