Explore the Saints

St. Anysia

St. Anysia was a wealthy young woman in Thessalonica who was killed for her faith in the early fourth century.

She inherited a fortune from her parents when they died, and she used the money to assist the poor. She was also a faithful member of the local Christian community. A persecution prevented Christians from gathering in public, so the faithful gathered secretly. Anysia set out one day to join others in one of these secret assemblies when she was stopped by a soldier. He asked her where she was going. Startled, she made the sign of the cross. The soldier grabbed her and demanded to know who she was and where she was going.

“I am a servant of Jesus Christ,” she replied, “and I am going to the Lord’s assembly.”

“I will prevent that,” the soldier said. “I will take you to sacrifice to the gods. Today we worship the sun.” She struggled against him, and spat in his face—so he became enraged and drew his sword and killed her.

Later, when the persecution ended, Thessalonian Christians built a church on the spot where she was killed.

St. Anysia, the young woman who used her fortune to help the poor, and who was killed on her way to Mass, pray for us!

Image Credit: Our featured image of St. Anysia is available for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Last accessed November 7, 2024 on Wikimedia Commons.