Explore the Saints

St. Michael de Sanctis

Michael was born in Spain around 1590, and at the age of six, he announced to his parents that he would become a monk when he grew up.

His mother told him about the great St. Francis, and Michael went about imitating the man from Assisi. He was so zealous in his imitation of Francis that his parents had to prevent him from doing too much for his young age. Still, his enthusiasm for a life of prayer and poverty and holiness endured.

His parents died while he was still young, and he was apprenticed to a merchant. He did his work well, and whenever he had free time, he gave it to prayerful devotions. When he was old enough, he joined a religious community called the Trinitarians.

About that time, there was a group that was reforming the Trinitarians to live a more simple life. One example of their simplicity was that they refused to wear shoes. Michael wanted to join this reformed movement, and received permission to do so.

He went on to studies and was ordained a priest, and took on leadership roles in the community. The others in his community recognized him as a saint for his holy life. He had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and would fall into ecstatic prayer during Mass. Miracles were reported to be worked through his intercession both before and after his death.

He died on this date in 1625 at the age of 35, and is recognized by the Church for his innocence, prayerfulness, and penitence. He is one patron of cancer patients.

St. Michael de Sanctis, you knew from the age of six that he wanted to be a monk—pray for us!

Image Credit: Our featured image of St. Michael de Sanctis is in the public domain. Last accessed February 13, 2025 on Wikimedia Commons.