Explore the Saints
St. Philip the Deacon
St. Philip the Deacon was one of the first seven deacons appointed by the twelve Apostles in the book of Acts. Philip is also known as “Philip the Evangelist,” due to his prodigious preaching career in Jerusalem. After Stephen’s martyrdom, the deacons spread out from Jerusalem throughout Palestine.
Philip was sent to Samaria, where he stayed, spreading the message of Resurrection to the Samaritans until an angel commanded him to go south towards Gaza. There, on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, Philip encountered an Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). The eunuch was a devout follower of the Jewish religion, and was studying the prophets, but he was unable to interpret their meaning. Philip taught him the meaning of Isaiah’s Suffering Servant canticle, telling him the story of Christ’s death and resurrection. The eunuch immediately asked to be baptized.
After this story, Philip’s activities are no longer mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures. But ancient Christian tradition holds that Philip retired to Anatolia and served there as a bishop, where he died a peaceful death.
St. Philip the Deacon, who broke open God’s word to the Eunuch—pray for us!
Image Credit: The icon of Philip appears courtesy of Ann Chapin.

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