Explore the Saints

Sts. Castulus and Irene

Castulus and Irene were a married couple living in ancient Rome who risked everything to support the early Christian community.

Castulus was an officer who oversaw the household and palace for Emperor Diocletian, who was actively persecuting Christians. He is described as a quiet but zealous Christian. He arranged for Christians to gather for Mass inside the emperor’s palace because it was the last place that Roman authorities would search. He also sheltered Christians in his own home, which was attached to the palace. With a friend, he even went about the city, gathering men and women to the faith and presenting them to the pope for baptism.

A Christian who turned his back on the faith betrayed Castulus to the prefect of Rome. Castulus was arrested and tortured before being buried alive in 288.

The widowed Irene, depicted above with Castulus, continued to be active in the Christian community in Rome. She plays a large role in the famous story of the martyrdom of St. Sebastian. Sebastian was a guard in Diocletian’s army, and a favorite of the emperor, but he supported Christians who were being persecuted. He was tied to a tree and shot with arrows and left for dead. He survived, however, and it was St. Irene who helped to nurse him back to health. Her feast day is March 30, and her relics, as well as the relics of St. Castulus, rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica.

Sts. Castulus and Irene, you were the married couple who opened your home to persecuted Christians—pray for us!

Image Credit: Illustration by Notre Dame alumnus Matthew Alderman, who holds exclusive rights to the further distribution and publication of his art. Used here with permission.