Explore the Saints

Sts. Placid and Maurus

Placid and Maurus were famous followers of St. Benedict, the great founder of monasticism in the western Church, and their stories are intimately connected with his.

Around the year 500, Benedict became famous for founding successful and holy monasteries, which grew to be centers of learning and culture, and noble families began sending their children to him for an education. Among those children were Placid, who was a boy, and Maurus, who was older but still a youth.

A famous story involves both Maurus and Placid benefiting from the supernatural gifts of Benedict. Placid was sent to fetch water from a lake near the monastery one day, and fell into the water. Though Benedict was inside the monastery and could not see the lake, he knew of the accident and told Maurus, “Brother, run! Make haste! The child has fallen into the water!”

Maurus ran to the lake and saw Placid struggling in the water about a hundred yards out. In his haste, Maurus ran out over the water—running on top of the water—and reached down to pull out Placid. The two ran back to shore on top of the water, and only when they were safe did Maurus realize what had happened.

Benedict attributed the walking on water miracle to Maurus’ obedience, but Maurus and Placid thought it reflected the holiness of Benedict. In fact, Placid related that when he was in the water, he thought it was Benedict himself who was saving him.

Placid applied himself with diligence to work and prayer in monastic life, following closely the example of Benedict, and grew in grace and holiness. Benedict loved Placid as if he were one of his own children.

Benedict’s famous monastery at Monte Cassino is said to be built on a piece of land given to him by Placid’s father, and Placid accompanied Benedict when he moved there.

Relics of both Placid and Maurus rest in the reliquary chapel in the Basilica. Today’s featured image of Placid was created by Luigi Gregori, the artist in residence at the University at the end of the 19th century who decorated the Basilica with murals.

Sts. Placid and Maurus, the young monks who walked on water, pray for us!

Image Credit: Luigi Gregori (Italian, 1819-1896), Saint Placidus, after Perugino, n.d., graphite on wove paper. Raclin Murphy Museum of Art: Gift of the Artist, AA2009.056.144.