Faithful Trailblazers

In the fall of 2017, we marked the 175th anniversary of the founding of the University of Notre Dame by Father Edward Sorin, CSC, and highlighted these stories about trailblazers in the faith.

August 20, 2019; Baumer Hall chapel stained glass window detail (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) To Go Anywhere Needed
Episode 14

What does it mean to be a missionary today? At its most basic, it still means what it has always meant: a radical willingness to go wherever you are needed, to do whatever is needed, for as long as it is needed. It still means a radical openness to foreign peoples, languages, and cultures. It still means a radical love of the poor, even if the poverty is no longer that of the village.

Basilica architectural detail Everyone Has a Story
Episode 13

Speaking to her, I learned that she was fighting leukemia. It was a good reminder, before the Trail even began. There are no extras. Everyone has a story. Everyone is a hero, just in stories we don’t know.

July 6, 2022; Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in a detail from a stained glass window in the Lady Chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) They Did Not Trudge, They Strode
Episode 12

As a Christian, I have always been curious about those who went before us. We wouldn’t be Christians if those who went before us weren’t Christians, if they didn’t live and die as Christians and leave us the witness of their faith. And now, as a seminarian in the Congregation of Holy Cross, I find the same to be true.

July 6, 2022; Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in a detail from a stained glass window in the Lady Chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) The Only Path Worth Taking
Episode 11

My grandmother, Sue Dominick, showed up for her freshman year of college and registered for French, Italian, and Spanish. She wanted to be in the foreign service and travel overseas, seeing the beauty and diversity this great world has to offer, but her life did not follow the trajectory she envisioned at the beginning of college.

March 21, 2024; Moreau Seminary Chapel (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) Their House is Always Full
Episode 10

My host parents are a force of wisdom, intellect, and tireless work. With their credentials and connections, they would have no problem establishing an easier, more convenient life in a Western country. But they have no interest in doing so.

December 4, 2020; Nativity window in the Lady Chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame) God Turns Brokenness into Beauty
Episode 9

There are two parts to the story of how God has transformed my life. The first part has been allowing Jesus to heal me. The second part has been for me to accept my brokenness as a place where I can find and live the mission that God has given to me.

May 16, 2024; The 2024 Seniors’ Last Trip to the Grotto. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame) Joy and St. Francis
Episode 8

To me, Francis is the embodiment of a trailblazer. For as much as I admired his unabashed and unashamed joy, when I dug deeper to learn about and understand his other qualities and anecdotes, the more sacred depth I discovered about him.

December 19, 2011; The ceiling paintings of The Lady Chapel commemorating the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame. Getting off the Bus
Episode 7

I, too, had wrestled with those questions. Like Mev, I had wondered what it meant to grow up in a community where I had access to so much, while others had so little. I had found exactly what I was seeking—an American Catholic prophet of my own in the witness of Mev Puleo.

May 16, 2024; The 2024 Seniors’ Last Trip to the Grotto. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame) They Light the Way for Us
Episode 6

Trailblazers are oftentimes mentors, colleagues, or idols. They light the way for us and clear a path so we can confidently and faithfully follow a call. They can also be spouses, friends, and classmates, whose self-sacrifice and support make the trail more meaningful and clear.

December 14, 2022; Moreau Seminary chapel (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) The Crosses We Carry
Episode 5

Perhaps in the years to come the crosses I carry will grow heavier. Perhaps I will be called to forge a bold new path like so many of the Saints did. Or perhaps I will continue to be called to slip quietly in and out of the stories of others in the manner of Simon of Cyrene, with my own story never in the spotlight.

February 7, 2017; Carolyn Woo, Former President of Catholic Relief Services and former Dean of the Mendoza College of Business, photographed in St. Matthew Chapel at the Stayer Center for Executive Education. (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) There Are No Exceptions
Episode 4

Most of my work in Park City, Utah, is with immigrants—many without documentation. They found jobs, they are raising families, and now they are living in the fog of uncertainty as they experience a change in our national culture. They do not feel welcome.

December 14, 2022; Moreau Seminary chapel (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) Choosing the Path Unknown
Episode 3

As I walked out of my “A Faith to Die For” class in O’Shag Hall my senior year at Notre Dame, I knew my life was about to take a dramatic turn away from Main Street USA onto a more remote path much less traveled.

July 15, 2020; Rosary at the Grotto. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame) The Hidden Presence
Episode 1

It was certainly frustrating for me to try and hear the voice of God when God seemed so silent and elusive in my daily experience. But as Joey developed over the years—and certainly as I developed alongside him as a mother—he became Christ to me.