Today’s Arabic hymn may sound foreign to our ears, but its lyrics are the familiar words of Psalm 51: “Have mercy on me, O God”
Throughout Lent, we will offer music that highlights our themes of each week: pilgrimage to holy places, the pilgrimage of conversion and Baptism, our Christian pilgrimage through Lent, and our earthly pilgrimage to Heaven.
Today’s Arabic hymn may sound foreign to our ears, but its lyrics are the familiar words of Psalm 51: “Have mercy on me, O God”
Our hymn today is an ancient Jewish hymn of mourning and repentance. As we listen, let us reflect on how to open our hearts to God this Lent.
In our Baptism, Christ calls us to our ultimate identity and vocation: to become part of Christ’s life in God.
What tears are you bringing to God today? In moments of desolation, do you believe that God’s promise to comfort you in your sorrow?