Exploring Holy Leisure

October 13, 2021; Moreau Seminary chapel sacristy (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) Holy Leisure, Part VI
Episode 6

“Holy leisure” brings work to a halt and provides a respite against the servitude of work and the worship of money. Join the Notre Dame family in acknowledging the value of rest and refreshment.

December 4, 2020; Nativity window in the Lady Chapel of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame) Holy Leisure, Part V
Episode 5

“Christian spirituality incorporates the value of relaxation and festivity,” writes Pope Francis in his most recent encyclical, Laudato Si. “Rest opens our eyes to the larger picture.”

December 14, 2022; Moreau Seminary chapel (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) Holy Leisure, Part IV
Episode 4

St. Thomas wrote, “God, who made things, did not rest in the things he made, but rested from them, in himself… just so should we learn to rest not in our things or in his things, as if they were the goal, but rather in God himself, in whom our happiness exists.”

August 20, 2019; Baumer Hall chapel stained glass window detail (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) Holy Leisure, Part III
Episode 3

Pope St. John Paul II wrote, “Through the recreation and leisure made possible by travel, people are restored and renewed, body and spirit. They return home to family and work with a new perspective and enthusiasm for life.”

May 12, 2022; Graduating seniors gather at the Grotto for a prayer service, Senior Week 2022 (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) Holy Leisure, Part II
Episode 2

Pope Benedict XVI wrote, “We live in a society in which it seems that every space, every moment must be ‘filled’ with initiatives, activity, sound; often there is not even time to listen and dialogue… Let us not be afraid to be silent outside and inside ourselves, so that we are able not only to perceive God’s voice, but also the voice of the person next to us, the voices of others.”

May 9, 2023; Detail of the Sacred Heart Jesus statue on Main Quad (Photo by Matt Cashore/University of Notre Dame) Holy Leisure, Part I
Episode 1

Pope Francis said, “Together with a culture of work, there must be a culture of leisure as gratification. To put it another way: people who work must take the time to relax, to be with their families, to enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport.”