Prayer Cards

Notre Dame Prayer for Life

Eternal God, source of all life, you have created us in your own divine image. By the power of the Holy Spirit, your Son became flesh and revealed to us the sanctity of all human life. Grant, we implore you: Protect all unborn children; Guide and support all expectant parents; Comfort the aged, the sick, …

Prayer to End Racism
Prayer to End Racism

God of love and justice, St. Paul proclaimed that “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” May we be emboldened by your living Word to rid the world of the sin of discrimination in our attitudes and actions. …

Prayer for Mothers
Prayer for Mothers

God of all creation, in your goodness you have given us life. Like a mother who labors, you bear the pain of our sin to welcome your children into new life in your mercy. Bless mothers of all generations for their countless sacrifices and self-emptying love. May they savor the fulfillment that comes from giving …

Prayer for Saint Patrick's Day
Prayer for Saint Patrick’s Day

Good and gracious Triune God, We rise today in your love, which sustains us always. As St. Patrick saw you in the shamrock’s three green leaves, may all our words, thoughts, and actions bear witness to you today. May we remember that you are with us throughout our day, guiding us through the trials the …

Meal Blessing for Ash Wednesday
Meal Blessing for Ash Wednesday

God of mercy, as we begin the season of Lent today, we put on ashes to remember our sins and turn to you for forgiveness. During these forty days help us to pray more and to keep our promises to make sacrifices and to share with those in need. Help us not to think so …

Prayer to St. Valentine for Marriages
Prayer to St. Valentine for Marriages

St. Valentine, As a priest who served persecuted Christians in Rome, you knew the strength that comes from love and you risked your life to unite couples in the Sacrament of Marriage. When you were arrested, you refused to renounce your faith, and were beaten and killed for your love of God. As patron saint …

Prayer for Newly Married Couple
Prayer for Valentine’s Day

God of love, Your gratuitous love is the source of all goodness. As we give thanks for your loving fidelity, help us to remember the many ways we encounter your love in our relationships with others. May we show appreciation to our spouses, soulmates, and companions with whom we journey life’s path. May our love …

Meal Blessing for the Easter Season
Meal Blessing for the Easter Season

Lord Jesus, we celebrate your Resurrection and we rejoice in your love. You are with us now as we share this meal offering us forgiveness, peace, and new life. Help us to recognize you in the breaking of this bread and strengthen us to share the good news of your rising with others. Leader: Jesus …

A Prayer for Mother's Day
A Prayer for Mother’s Day

Loving God, like a mother you gave life to all of creation. In your divine wisdom, you chose Mary to be the mother of your only son and the spiritual mother of all your children. On this Mother’s Day, grant your abundant blessings to our mothers and mother figures. Through the tender intercession of Notre …

Prayer for Students
Prayer for Students

God our Father, thank you for giving me a mind that can know and a heart that can love. Remind me that all knowledge comes from you, and leads back to you. Lord Jesus Christ, as a youth you grew in wisdom, stature, and favor with God. Bless me with the grace to persist in …

Prayer After an Election
Prayer for Memorial Day

Loving God, we remember and honor all of those men and women who sacrificed their lives for the cause of freedom. May their bold service remind us of our duty to protect all human life and support those who pursue liberty and justice. Bless in a special way the families of those who have sacrificed …

Prayer for Mothers
Prayer for Mothers

O Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, we praise you for the gift of motherhood. We offer to you the joys and sorrows, prayers and works of each day we labor in this vocation to which you have called us. Grant us the grace to see Christ in our children and the knowledge that we …

Prayer for the Irish
Prayer for the Irish

St. Patrick, apostle to Ireland, in prayer you heard a call to return to the land of your captivity to share good news. You loved and taught the Irish people, and they turned to the source of your goodness, Jesus Christ. Because of your faithful leadership, Ireland became known as “the land of saints.” We …

Prayer for a Spiritual Communion
Prayer for First Communion

Loving Lord, through your sacrifice you have offered us this sacrament of your body and blood. Graciously nourish your children on their journey of discipleship. May they often partake in this sacred meal, giving thanks for your self-gift on the cross. As Eucharistic people, send them forth to feed the hungry and to give drink …

Prayer for Deceased Mothers
Prayer for Deceased Mothers

God of tenderness, we honor all women who cooperate with you in bringing life to the world, and we remember especially those mothers who have passed from this life and now rest in eternal life with you. We offer gratitude for the gift of their lives and for the ways they blessed their children with …

Prayer for Father Theodore Hesburgh
Celebration of Mothers

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. -Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, CSC

A Mother's Prayer
A Mother’s Prayer

Good and gracious God, we thank you for the gift of motherhood and the joys and blessings it has brought to our lives. It is such a privilege to love and support our children as they grow into the people you have called them to be. In nurturing young life, we ourselves have grown in …

Prayer for the Beginning of School
Prayer During Exams

Notre Dame, Our Lady, they call you the “Undoer of Knots.” Turn your eyes to us during our exams, and undo the knots in our minds, that we may think creatively and compellingly in those critical moments. Undo the knots in our bodies, that we may channel stress in good health and with noble composure. …

Prayer for Graduating Students
Prayer for Graduating Students

God, source of all life, you are our beginning and end. Bless our graduates as they celebrate the past and welcome the future. Guide them with hope as they embark upon paths known and unknown, comfortable and challenging. May they stay true to your voice, which they find in their heart’s desire. May they always …

Prayer for the Dying
Prayer for Easter

O Resurrected Lord, In this Easter season we celebrate with great joy the victory you have won over sin and death. Now, through the power of your Spirit, you have entrusted us with the mission to keep hope alive in the face of violence, greed, and inhumanity. Foster in each of us a deep sense …

Prayer for Healthcare Workers and First Responders
Prayer to St. André Bessette, C.S.C

Lord, our God, friend of the lowly, you gave your servant, Saint André Bessette, a great devotion to St. Joseph and a special commitment to the poor and afflicted. Through his intercession help us to follow his example of prayer and love and so come to share with him in your glory. We ask this …

Prayer for those Suffering from Natural Disasters
Prayer for those Suffering from Natural Disasters

God our Father, you are a faithful protector and watchful guardian. We ask for your providing care for our brothers and sisters who are suffering from the effects of natural disasters. Give strength to those who are grieving and injured, and comfort those who have lost property. Protect us and keep us all safe in …

Prayer to St. Patrick
Prayer to St. Patrick

St. Patrick, apostle of Ireland, You were kidnapped as a youth and sold as a slave, but discovered the living God in the depths of solitude and prayer. After escaping home, God called you to return to the land of your imprisonment as a missionary, and you converted the entire nation to faith in our …

Prayer for Martin Luther King
Prayer for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

God of love and justice, St. Paul proclaimed that “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” As we celebrate your faithful disciple, Martin Luther King, Jr., may we be emboldened by your living Word and by his prophetic …